Like the barber’s haircut, our site was in dire need of an overhaul, both to update the too-long-ago-produced under-the-hood infrastructure as well to offer visitors insights into projects and other goings-on from the past year.
Our current site makes use of a variety of open-source frameworks, APIs, and technologies – a list of thanks to the greater community for making available such powerful tools:
- We just can’t get enough of WordPress, the blog tool, publishing platform, and CMS. We turn to WP as the default CMS for new client work and make use of it here for our own site.
- Zurb’s wonderful Foundation framework made easy the task of presenting our site responsively, displaying appropriate (and qualitatively different) views for mobile, tablet, and desktop computers; Draw Morris’s Foundation WordPress theme was a huge help as a starting point for the project.
- We made extensive use of the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin throughout the site – many thanks to Joost de Valk for making his work free, easy to use, and effective.
- A variety of other WordPress plugins – Dmytro Shteflyuk’s CodeColorer, Aaron D. Campbell’s Twitter Widget Pro, Daniel Tweedy’s WP Realtime Sitemap, and Arne Brachhold’s Google XML Sitemap Generator – made making the site easier for us and better for our visitors.
Thanks again to all.