Agency » Careers

Having enjoyed years of consistent, careful growth, we’re looking for highly-qualified people to join our team. We seek to fill no specific role (we’re not looking for a “Database Programmer Level II”), and ideal candidates likely will not fit traditional descriptions of “designer” or “developer”.

Instead, we invite inquiries from talented, creative, hardworking folks who can succeed in a service-focused company committed to producing quality web work. We place a high value on communication skills – written and spoken, design and programming – and on independence of work and thought.

We seek inquiries from web designers, developers, and account-executive folks. Regardless of role, we hope to find team members who share our commitment to results – so that creative design, technology development, and client relationship-management all serve to further the established goals for any client project.

More experience with more of the following technologies/concepts makes you more attractive to us: Ruby on Rails, WordPress, HTML5/CSS(3), PHP (especially the object-oriented features of PHP 5), SEM/SEO, email campaigns.

Think this might work for you? Please contact Brian Hoke, Principal.